Wednesday, February 20, 2008


All you create
All you destroy
All that you do
All that you say.

All that you eat
And everyone you meet
All that you slight
And everyone you fight.

All that is now
All that is gone
All thats to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.

-- Pink Floyd, Eclipse
from the epic album,
Dark Side of the Moon

This photo, although not exceptionally sharp, was the best I could do with a pocket camera, a Canon SD 900. It was really great to watch this eclipse from my room with a glass ceiling, sitting by a warm fire.


Old Man said...

wow, what a great seat for the show.

William said...

You're up early old man, I'm just going to bed. Don't tell me you're running this early?

Lisa said...


Old Man said...

yep. pretty much everyday. early to bed and up at 3:30 get my run in.