Wednesday May 6, 7:30 pm
Hinton Music Hall, Wright Music Building, Faulkinberry Dr, MTSU Campus
Suggested donation- $10 to benefit the Heart of TN American Red Cross
We have a great concert lined up for Wednesday night. Hope you can make it for a good cause. The concert will be about an hour.
I'll be playing the Rodrigo 'Fantasia para un gentilhombre' guitar concerto with Titus Bartos on piano, and the Piazzolla History of the Tango with Andrea Dawson, violin. Also, MTSU Jazz Studies Director, Don Aliquo will be performing on tenor sax, pianist Leopoldo Erice will play Bach, and tenor Stephen Smith will perform the beloved aria, Nessun dorma.
Hope you can make it to this great benefit concert - our last concert of the season.
The April 10 Murfreesboro EF4 tornado destroyed over 100 homes and caused over $40 million in damage.
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